0435 594 644 (WhatsApp)
(02) 9872 7474
Professional Treatment and Preventive Care
Shop 208, Level one, Carlingford Court Shopping Centre, Carlingford, NSW 2118
Angela Liu
National Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner
Acupuncturist / Chinese Herbalist
Bachelor Degree in Chinese Medicine
Over 30 year’s professional experience in treating:
Children's health: coughs, asthma, tonsillitis, eczema, sleep, allergies, diarrhoea, indigestion, colic, reflux
Women’s Health: Infertility, IVF support, Miscarriage, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), Endometriosis, Period pain, Irregular period, menopause
Pain relief: headache, migraine, neck, shoulders and back pain, arthritis and joint pain
Digestion disorder
Stress-related conditions
Fluent in Mandarin
1985年毕业于河南中医药大学。退休前就职于青岛市中医医院,主任医师,青岛市中医药名家,中国针灸学会临床分会常务理事;青岛市针灸学会副理事长. 从事中医、针灸临床治疗37年,精于四诊辨证论治,擅长运用《黄帝内经》十二刺法,针、药、罐、灸治疗: 内科疾病:眩晕、头痛、偏头痛、失眠、心悸、面瘫、三叉神经痛、多发脑梗、反复感冒、慢性咳嗽、慢性胃炎、慢性腹泻及亚健康、癌症术后的身体调理。 骨伤科疾病:颈、腰椎病、肩周炎、膝关节炎、腱鞘炎、 网球肘、高尔夫球肘、运动损伤及各种痛症。 妇科疾病:月经不调、痛经、更年期综合症、乳腺小叶增生,宫寒不孕、孕前孕期身体调理、产后身痛疾病及产后调理。